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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Forum 5 _Global Management Perspective

Forum 5 _Global Management Perspective

Q Different cultural perspectives of a region can impact several aspects of a company’s global business operations. In considering Human Resources Management, culture does not have any impact on performance appraisal.

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According to me, culture does have a lot many impacts on performance appraisals. There are numerous cultural perspectives and each of them has important impact of the performance appraisal. Employees wait for the whole year to know about their how they have been performing in the eyes of the employer. Appraisals are important because they determine the promotions, raise, evaluation and other markers of performances. Now when a company has a global outreach it has to edit or tweak its performance appraisal techniques as applicable in different countries. It has to be kept in mind that the performance appraisal of the employees of a particular country must be done as per the norms, values and beliefs of that society and country.